The Art and Energy Collective

Winners of the Sustainability People's Choice Art Award!

The Art and Energy Collective is a group of artists, makers, thinkers and tinkerers who want to use our skills to respond to the climate emergency.

We specialise in designing mass participation artworks that help people connect with nature and take steps towards a brighter greener futures.

We are interested in getting creative with energy systems, particularly those using natural energy, within all of life and through renewables.

The Mossy Carpet

Carbon looms large, it is the giant of our times.

Join us as we journey deep into wild moss forests, seeking the inspiration and tools that will help us to Bury the Giant.

Let’s work together to summon our creative powers and find new ways to tackle the climate emergency. Help us create, or donate towards our new mass participation artwork The Mossy Carpet.

Why not join our Bury the Giant Club and be part of a creative community working together for a brighter greener future.

“We think creative processes can help us make sense of the world, connect with each other and become more resilient.”

— Chloë Uden